Just as Elsie is about to reveal the spirit which poisoned her that fateful night, a deafening thunder muzzles the clamor of House McDermott as a streak of lightning illuminates the horrified faces of specters and spectators alike. A dark mist pours in from the shadowed cavities of the home and seizes the child ghost Elsie, enveloping her faster than she can cry out for help before dissipating into thin air!
There is a moment of still quiet in House McDermott, as if it were in the eye of some supernatural storm, before the creaking, moaning babble of the walls and floorboards resumes as a foul, rotting odor permeates the passageways.
Elsie is nowhere to be found.

You’ve reached the intermission.
Let the HOST know that you’re here, and they’ll tell you what to do next!