You take a look around the bathroom. You know, the standard toilet uses about 1.6 gallons of water per flush, which is a decent amount of water. However, recent advancements in toilet flushing technology have allowed toilets to use just 1.28 gallons of water per flush, a marked improvement! Hmm, it looks like the toilet paper roll is hung with the end piece facing outward, or “over”, the way many prefer it. There’s also something scrawled on a paper towel by the sink.
You flip the toilet paper roll so the end piece is facing inward, or “under”, as it’s called. You monster!
You take a look at the paper towel. Someone has worked out some sort of math equation on it. It actually looks like pretty simple work to determine whether someone in a nearby room would be able to hear “bathroom sounds”. The issue is the mathematician has failed to include the variable of diet, as everyone knows the intensity, or sonority, of flatulence is often directly related to what you eat, the digestion of which is influenced heavily by your probiotics! Amateur.